Sock Styles FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Which socks go with which shoes?
Selecting Your Style helps you match the right sock, with the right shoe. We have tried to include as many shoe styles as possible, but if there are any styles we’ve missed, please Contact Us directly.
Is Alpaca warmer?
Yes. Alpaca has great insulating qualities. In certain breeds of alpaca, the fibres possess a natural crimp like sheep wool. This has the effect of creating tiny air pockets within the spun yarn and the knitted garment which insulates the wearer. Alpaca is a hollow, or partly hollow, fibre. This not only increases its insulating capacity, but also means it is good at wicking moisture and makes it very light-weight when compared to sheep wool. For more information about alpaca fibres, please see Fibres We Use.
Which are your warmest socks?
Our warmest socks, which have a 5-star warmth rating, are the Laggan in our Luxury Collection and the Roslyn and Wheeo socks in our Tablelands Collection.
To compare our socks based on warmth and durability, please refer to each product page.
Which ones are your best work socks?
Our Max, Max Loose Top and Max Plus socks in our Heritage Collection are the style affectionately known to local farmers and tradies as “concrete socks”, as these cushioned socks allow workers to stand comfortably all day on cold, hard concrete without their feet getting sore, cold or tired.
Of course, not everyone works outdoors, so to find the right socks to suit your work shoes and environment, please see Selecting Your Style.
Do you have bed socks?
While all our socks are comfortable enough to be worn as bed socks, the Roslyn and Wheeo socks in our Tablelands Collection, the Laggan socks in our Luxury Collection rate high on our softness and warmth scales.
Do you have socks for skiing?
If you’re hitting the ski fields, our pick is the knee-high Hermann socks in our Heritage Collection. The mid-calf ribbed Pejar socks in the Tablelands Collection are also ideal for snowboarding. Our Pejar socks, are currently out of stock. To be the first to know when they're re-stocked, sign up for our newsletter below.
To compare our socks, please see Selecting Your Style.
Do you have socks I can wear with motorcycle boots?
Our knee-high style Hermann socks in our Heritage Collection have long been popular with motorcycle riders.
For help matching the right sock, with the right shoe, please see Which Socks Go With Which Shoe Style?